
Friday, July 20, 2012

Realm of Identity in a new city

Comfortably living in an environment of native land doesn't makes the fact of identity so questionable. As one moves in a new realm with different culture and values , the shell starts to break.
Landing in any new city or country, human mind first encounter is physical as it begins to register the landscape of a place. With it's first set of adjustment , is finding comfortable niches which could be compared to one's own area of upbringing. The whole process is a natural part of a human being's life where it can adjust and start accommodating changes within this new set of lifestyle.

When a person moves within the same country to a new city - there is a sense of assurance - as the languages are common and it is easier to comprehend. Many of the factors remain same or with little variant - food, weather etc. The factor which affects the person most is public transport. As it is most convenient way to know a new city.  A good public transport makes a city more available for a new immigrant to explore.

Experience of moving to a new country altogether is initially shaped by pre conceived notions . In a modern world like ours plethora of images are available through media and communication technology.
The new country will be a good or bad experience depends upon the previous living conditions. Secondly it also depends whether it as an independent journey or you have someone accompanying you. More than what your mind says it is also affected by now what it is listening from a person you believe in. Gradually the new culture, language and food habits start sinking in.

Here the question of identity also keeps in popping at the background. How much can we give in of our old values and be a part of a new system? If the new system offers better solutions and more positive approach , it might be possible for the human brains to slowly accommodate. Though modern world has a definite outlook all across the globe - still there are two components embedded in human mind - food and clothing which become difficult to change totally.

Visiting a country as a tourist and living as a citizen makes a total difference! 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

modern - modernity - modernism - modern architecture

The best i could understand the meaning of modern, modernity, modernism, modernization was from book by Marshall Berman - "All That is Solid Melts into Air - The experience of modernity"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

modern - modernity

have tried explaining that there's exist a difference between the two terms - modern and modernity but still they are integrated with each other. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

The condition of being modern - II

Taking the second point from the previous post – Conception of Universal History.
The word Universal in itself gives us a hint of being one. 19th century German philosopher G W F Hegel created a conceptual framework in which past and future events could be philosophically understood. Hegel tried to show that history contains a linear pattern and gives it the name of universal history saying history of mankind is one. For this we need to understand the philosophy of history as conceptualized by Hegel, which speaks about a rational process underlying the history. According to him there is a reason / logic behind everything by which all reality has its being. He considers reality as the whole or Absolute and history is in which this absolute unfolds itself to the consciousness of humanity. In the Hegelian system of Universal History, the final stage is constantly evolving.

“Each of the events is a necessary stage in the development of the whole truth. Reason tries to work out through human beings in the form of passion and desires to fulfill its ultimate goal in history.” (Lavine T.Z) Here the ultimate goal in history is linked with the idea of progress.

The conception of history in form of a linear narrative has been problematic. “The structuring of history according to the linear time frame makes sometimes civilizations to appear and disappear and to move from margin to centre or vice versa according to the identity of viewpoint of the speaker (author).” (Robert S.Nelson) This leads to “marginalization” of most of the developments, which then remain outside the scope of history.

For understanding the concept of marginalization one can read the article – The Map of Art History by Robert S. Nelson

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The condition of being modern - I

As one browses through pages of history, a point truly comes where commencement of modern period can be marked. This condition of being modern lies in the wad of 18th century thought process. (European context) Most important layer being knowledge based on critical reasoning which led to progress in all aspects of human understanding, science and technology. It is based on this characteristic that we can distinguish modern period from earlier eras.

According to Marshall Berman, “what make all these changes distinctively modern are not the inventions themselves, but a process of incessant enquiry, discovery and innovation, and a shared determination to transform theory into practice, to use all we know to change the world.”

Talking about changes, two things were major
a. critical reasoning
b. conception of universal history

For this one can go through readings by Immanuel Kant, Cassirer E, and G W F Hegel on enlightenment and philosophy of history. Let us talk about critical reasoning. First what does ‘critical’ in ‘critical thinking’ means?Using our cognitive faculties and knowledge, we have acquired till yet to understand the circumstances in front of us. This calls us to be self-analytical or self conscious before conforming, even to any factual information.

During the 18th century, main fundamental principle was to combine knowledge based on reason (experimentation) and experience. We can say combining the empirical and rational thinking. It was proved during this century that one should keep on analysing data till we get to the simplest component and have a reason behind every belief.

Enlightenment thinkers were asking people to critically judge themselves in all phases of life. Immanuel Kant marked this phase as beginning of modernity or ‘break from the past’ which is based on reasoning and analysis. Having a self conscious nature (or reflexive) gets interconnected with term modern – not accepting anything with blind faith. It was because authoritative institutions like church and nobility were questioned, that new foundations based on the concept of nation state could be laid.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the term 'modern'

Being modern has been always considered an integral part of city life. What does strike in your mind first when the term ‘modern’ is flashed. Maybe it is the latest set of gadgets – latest trends in fashion – or the upcoming modes of transport. In all of these options, we are thinking about something which is ‘latest’ or ‘changing’. As soon as any new theory comes which is , that becomes modern. So ‘transient character’ can be linked to condition of being modern. This was a general thinking pattern from the second half of 18th century.

There have been other meaning attached to the word in past also. The term modern has been applied as long as back from Middle Ages having the meaning the one which was current. E.g. the present ruling class

A second meaning of the word is ‘new’ as opposed to which is different from the old. Here the term modern was used to describe a present time which could be experienced having certain specific features that distinguishes it from earlier periods. It was in this sense of term which prevailed during the 17th century.

Modernity is nothing but the ‘condition of being modern’ . "The current, new and the transient – all three levels of meaning are important as they are ascribed to the present in the concept of modernity.  It is this condition which gives present a specific quality , makes it different from the past and points the way towards future." ( Hilde Heynen)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

modern / modernity / modernism / modernisation

In my previous posts, I have tried showing the link between the idea of modernity and questioning of identity. For people who aren’t much acquainted with this concept, a lot of questions must be popping in their head about the term modernity itself.
The term in itself encompasses a broad spectrum of issues, which led to its generation around 200 yrs back. In all this discussion, I want to emphasize on the fact that we all need to keep in our heads the difference between modern, modernity, modern architecture, and modernisation, Modernism with a big M and modernism with a small m. In the starting of my research even I was very confused but as one goes through facts, it becomes clear. All these words would seem to have a similar stem note.
Let us start with the word modern.
Before starting the seminar, my guide Jaideep Chaterjee ( see figure ) had raised questions – when do we call ourselves modern? Is their any time and place we can locate ourselves in?
After going through number of readings on modernity, philosophy of history, enlightenment etc by Immanuel Kant, Marshall Berman, Anthony Giddens and number of other eminent writers, I was able to answer this question to myself more clearly in dissertation and also with reference to context of Indian architectural history. I will discuss about above mentioned in next post.